Infiintata in anul 1995 la Cluj-Napoca, intr-un mediu concurential tot mai accentuat, Editura RISOPRINT constituie, prin valorile literare, culturale, stiintifice si tehnice pe care le-a promovat, o prezenta semnificativa pe piata cartii din Romania. Inca de la inceput, colectivul editurii a urmarit satisfacerea solicitarilor si exigentelor clientilor.
Beneficiind de aportul valoros al unor autori sau colective de autori - cercetatori, cadre didactice din mediul academic, scriitori si alti oameni de cultura si stiinta, personalitati ale vietii publice - editura si-a castigat un prestigiu incontestabil, mai ales in ceea ce priveste publicarea de carte universitara, din domenii de varf ale stiintei contemporane.
Editura isi are propria tipografie, dotata cu masini si utilaje performante, cu care realizeaza lucrari dintre cele mai complexe si la un nivel calitativ corespunzator standardelor europene.
In acesti 25 ani de activitate, Editura RISOPRINT a publicat peste 9.000 de titluri de carte, din cele mai diferite domenii, in limba romana si in alte limbi, de autori romani si straini, carti care au imbogatit patrimoniul national, ceea ce a facut ca editura sa fie evidentiata la Saloanele si Targurile de Carte, unde a obtinut numeroase diplome si alte distinctii.
In anul 2011, ca o incununare a performantelor obtinute, editura a fost recunoscuta de Consiliul National al Cercetarii Stiintifice din Invatamantul Superior (C.N.C.S.I.S.).
De asemenea, editura colaboreaza cu un colectiv de referenti stiintifici valorosi (vezi aici lista referentilor).
Scopul nostru principal este de a promova in continuare cultura scrisa si stiinta din Romania, de a contribui la punerea in valoare a celor mai bune idei, stand la dispozitia autorilor cu profesionalismul, seriozitatea si caldura ce ne caracterizeaza.
Multumim tuturor celor care ne-au apreciat activitatea si ne-au incredintat spre publicare cartile lor, precum si celor care cu consecventa s-au alaturat eforturilor noastre in realizarea proiectelor editoriale, facand astfel ca Editura RISOPRINT sa dobandeasca dimensiunile si prestigiul de editura de nivel national si sa fie cunoscuta in afara granitelor tarii, colaborand si deruland proiecte comune cu edituri de renume cum ar fi: Spriger-Verlag (Germania), Baker Books (USA), sau Eksperimental Forlag (Danemarca).
Gheorghe Pop | director editură | |
Mariana Pop | director difuzare | |
Carmen Boancă | director economic | |
Denisa Știr | consilier editorial | |
Cosmin Pop | redactor șef | |
Dragomir Bojan | redactor | |
Ștefana Preda | designer | |
Georgiana Turcean | tehnoredactor | |
Anamaria Morar | tehnoredactor |
Founded in 1995 in Cluj-Napoca, in an increasingly competitive environment, RISOPRINT Publishing House has been a significant presence in the Romanian book market, due to the literary, cultural, scientific, and technical values it has promoted. From the very beginning, the editorial team has sought to meet the demands and requirements of the customers.
Benefitting form the valuable contribution of authors and groups of authors – researchers, academic teachers, scholars and scientists, public personalities – the publishing house has gained an undeniable prestige, especially due to academic book publishing in important areas of contemporary science.
The publishing house has its own printing house, equipped with advanced machinery designed to perform the most complex works, at a quality level that meets European standards.
During its 25 years of activity, RISOPRINT Publishing House has published over 9.000 books in various fields, in Romanian and other languages, written by Romanian or foreign authors. These books have enriched our national heritage and, due to them, the publishing house has become a noted presence at book salons and fairs, where it has won many diplomas and other rewards.
The performances achieved over the years found their culmination in 2011, when the publishing house was accredited by the National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS).
Also, the publishing house collaborates with a team of peer reviewers (see here the reviewers list).
Our main goal is to further promote written culture and science in Romania and to contribute to making all the best ideas available to our readers by being at the authors’ disposal with the professionalism, reliability and warmth that characterize us.
We thank all those who have appreciated our work and have entrusted us with the publication of their books, as well as all those who have consistently joined our efforts in carrying out the editorial projects, making it possible for RISOPRINT Publishing House to reach the size and the prestige of a national publishing house and to become known outside the boundaries of our country, being engaged in joint-projects with renowned publishing houses, such as Spriger-Verlag (Germany), Baker Books (USA), and Eksperimental Forlag (Denmark).
Gheorghe Pop | publishing director | |
Mariana Pop | broadcast director | |
Carmen Boancă | economic manager | |
Denisa Știr | editorial advisor | |
Cosmin Pop | chief editor | |
Dragomir Bojan | editor | |
Ștefana Preda | designer | |
Georgiana Turcean | tehnoredactor | |
Anamaria Morar | tehnoredactor |